About the Site!

This site contains javascript, so please enable that for a full experience. It is also not compatible on all browsers, as far as I'm aware, nor is it fully accessible.

It's difficult for me to source all of my assets as most are found on graphic resource pages on Tumblr and Carrd, so if you see any art that belongs to you, please feel free to contact me about it and I'll credit you on this page.


Why make a site?

I had two reasons for making a website:

I find that there's a lot of pressure to perform on social media these days, especially for artists like me, and it doesn't really fit into my beliefs. I wanted a way to post my art online without having to worry about clicks or likes or reblogs and retweets, and what better way to do that than curating your own site?

I don't want to treat UNIT-00 like a diary -- that's a little too personal for my tastes -- but I would like to treat it like a cute little apartment. Welcome to my art gallery, welcome to my garden, and make yourself at home.

Making a website also isn't as difficult as you might think! You can start right here on Neocities.

Link to me!

Wanna trade? Leave a message on my page with a link to your button. Please don't hotlink, if possible!


Other Sites

Here are buttons for some other sites that I find interesting.

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