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Site Information

This entire site was developed by Paws. It's made with love!

This site was coded on Visual Studio Code with Live Preview.

This site was coded for Firefox(...ish) at a resolution of 1920x1080. Viewers can zoom in and out as needed to view it properly.

This site was inspired by bisuko, callus, ruralrose, tomorrowsbreakfast, and komichi!

This only person this site is a safe space for is, well, me!

This site uses MS PGothic, as well as pixel fonts from Jeti @ fontenddev!

This site uses a variety of graphics that I've found across the web. I've tried my best to ensure that everything I've used is F2U, but if you see something that's yours (or that you know isn't F2U), please send me an email!


Wanna link me? I have several buttons for you to choose from - please right-click and save these to your own device, or filehosting service! No hotlinking!

Other Sites

This section is a work in progress... Sorry about that! Come back later...


A number of these pages may not be functional as I continue to deconstruct, reconstruct, and add to my website! Mind the dust, and sorry for the inconvenience.

  • Landing / Index: The index! What you see when you first open my site.
  • Home: The HQ of my site! Contains links to wherever else... including this page.
  • About Me: An introduction to me, the webmaster.
  • About the Site: All about the site! Contains information on site production, other sites I like, and the sitemap. You are here!

  • Blog: My blog! This is where I write about me and my life.
  • Art: My art gallery! This is where I archive my art.
  • Homestuck: Homestuck....
    • Fanfiction: An archive of my Homestuck fanfictions.
    • Fantrolls: An archive of all my fantroll business, including but not limited to profiles, roleplay logs, et cetera...
  • Media: Where I document my thoughts on media I listen to. Mostly music!
  • OCs: My original characters! It gets serious.

  • Graphics: Graphics I've collected and made for you to use on your site!
  • Templates: Templates I've made for you to use on your site!
  • Resources: More resources I've found across the web for you to use for your site... or other things!

  • (Off-site) Guestbook: Leave me a note!
  • Newsletter: The newsletter! Contains updates on the site and me, posted every few weeks or so.
    • Old Updates: An archive of older updates on the site!
  • (Off-site) Neocities Profile: My profile on Neocities! Leave a follow (if you want, lol)!